For 65 years, Burt Epstein has dedicated his time and efforts to Toastmasters. In this photo, he sits in front of a few of more than 100 awards he earned over the years. The trophy Epstein cherishes the most was presented to him in 1971 upon winning his district Evaluation Contest. The competition began at the club level, progressed to area and then district, spanning all the Toastmasters clubs in Los Angeles, California.
While the trophies, certificates and recognition mean a lot to Epstein, many of his accomplishments come in the form of the success of his mentees. As a Toastmaster, he has mentored countless individuals, including Alexandra Smothers, a fellow member of his current club, Fox Talkz Toastmasters. Smothers says, “Burt has taught me to make excellence my standard. And like the great masters in any field, he taught me to dedicate myself consistently and persistently.”
Epstein has consistently dedicated himself to Toastmasters since 1954 and served as club president nine times. To his mentees, he stresses the importance of regular attendance and active participation in meetings. Epstein believes even after becoming an excellent public speaker, a Toastmaster can always perfect his skills and knowledge.
Want to nominate an exceptional mentor?
Nominate your mentor by emailing your story and a photo (1MB or larger) to MentorMoment@toastmasters.org.
Looking for a mentor in your club?
Ask your vice president education who is available to mentor you.
To start a mentoring program in your club, order the Club Mentor Program Kit (Item 1163).
Laura Mishkind is associate editor for the Toastmaster magazine. Reach her at lmishkind@toastmasters.org.