Make Your Vote Count
Soon you will have the opportunity to vote for the International Officer and Director candidates at the Annual Business Meeting during the 2023 International Convention. Learn more about the nominees.
Newly Translated Pathways Projects
You can now download and use Level 3 Pathways projects in Hindi! Visit the Resource Library for guides on how to access them.
Printed Marketing Materials
Some previously printed marketing brochures and fliers are being discontinued. These include the free sets of: “Find Your Voice,” “Your Path to Leadership,” “Develop Your Leaders From Within,” “From Prospect to Guest to Member,” and “The Benefits of Toastmasters Membership.” Toastmasters will continue to offer these items in digital format, but the printed sets will no longer be available once the current supply runs out of stock.
Promote Convention With These Tools
Encourage members and nonmembers to stir up excitement for Toastmasters 2023 International Convention by using these promotional tools:
- Convention Zoom Backgrounds
- Convention Presentation Slides
- 2023 Virtual Convention Social Media Graphics
2023 International Speech Contest Semifinals
Following the region quarterfinals in the International Speech Contest, two winners from each region will be assigned to a semifinal contest. The four semifinal contests will be held in August at the 2023 International Convention. (The region numbers in each semifinal are randomly selected.) The top two contestants from each semifinal advance to the finals: the World Championship of Public Speaking®.
Both the semifinal contests and the World Championship will be conducted in a hybrid format—speakers can participate onsite in Nassau, Bahamas, or online from their home countries. Be on the lookout for updates regarding the winners from your region who will participate in the semifinals!
Tune In! Podcast Hosts Reminisce in 225th Episode
Distinguished Toastmasters Greg Gazin and Ryan Levesque share their experiences as the co-hosts of The Toastmasters Podcast. Learn how the series began, its partnership with the Toastmaster magazine, the show’s raison d’être, and more. Gazin and Levesque also look back at lessons learned, memorable episodes, and miscues. Want to know more about Toastmasters’ official podcast series? Read the accompanying article.
In this Toastmasters Podcast episode, co-hosts and Distinguished Toastmasters Greg Gazin and Ryan Levesque look back at lessons learned, memorable episodes, and miscues over the years.
Celebrate the New Program Year
Next month marks the start of Toastmasters International’s 2023–2024 program year! If your club is looking to add some excitement to its meetings, try using the new Toastmasters year as an overall theme. Some ideas include:
- Ask everyone to dress their best or wear a certain color, put on a funny hat, or show off a ribbon, certificate, or plaque to celebrate the past year’s achievements.
- Pick a Word of the Day that fits in with talking about the past or future.
- Provide Table Topics® questions that incorporate the new year theme.
- If you are the speaker at a meeting, give a speech about something you’re proud of from the last program year, or something you look forward to this next year.
- Take photos with your club to celebrate and send them to photos@toastmasters.org for a chance to be published in the Toastmaster.
Find and Share Articles
The Explore page on the Toastmaster magazine website is a tool to help you find articles by category, author, or month and year. Select a category on the left-hand side of the page to easily track down the topic you’re looking for. Once you find it, don’t forget to share the article link with a friend or coworker who could use some tips or inspiration.
Staff The Toastmaster magazine staff is comprised of five editorial team members. Learn more about them on the Staff page.