Gestures and Body Language
Speakers generate a great amount of emotion and interest through the use of non-verbal communication, often called gestures or body language. A speaker's body can be an effective tool for emphasizing and clarifying the words they use, while reinforcing their sincerity and enthusiasm. Here are a few tips on how to use gestures effectively:
- Eye contact establishes an immediate bond with an audience, especially when a speaker focuses in on individual listeners rather than just gazing over the audience as a whole.
- Control mannerisms. Mannerisms are the nervous expressions a speaker might not be aware of such as putting their hands in their pockets, nodding their head excessively, or using filler words like um and ah too often.
- Put verbs in to action when speaking to an audience by physically acting them out with the hands, face or entire body.
- Avoid insincere gestures by involving the entire body as much as possible in the movement and matching facial expressions to it.
- Move around the stage as topics change and move toward the audience when asking questions, making critical connections, or offering a revelation.
Helpful Resources
10 Strategies to Boost Your Gestures and Body Language
Sometimes your actions can speak louder than your words.
The Power of Body Language
Have something important to say? Make sure your gestures support your message.
7 Hand Gestures That Will Immediately Increase the Value of What You Say
Tap into the power of body language.
What a Nice Gesture!
Move your hands with purpose and precision to drive your points home.
Talk With Your Hands!
5 ways to incorporate effective gestures.
Mastering Body Language
Top 5 techniques to enhance your stage presence.
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