Region Advisor Biography
Dwight Jones, DTM

Home Region: 8
Home District: 14
Supporting Districts: 14, 44, 47, 48, 77, 81, 84, 111P
Toastmasters offices held and terms of service (international, region and District level):
- 2013-2014 Immediate Past District Governor
- 2012-2013 District Governor
- 2011-2012 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training
- 2010-2011 Lieutenant Governor Marketing
Toastmasters honors and recognition:
- 2011-2012 Excellence in Education and Training Award
- 2010-2011 Excellence in Marketing Award
What is your understanding of the Region Advisor role and how does your experience relate to the role?
The Region Advisor role is to assist the District leaders in achieving the District mission. It is their duty to provide customized support to help each District achieve the District mission. That is done through marketing, coaching, mentoring and constant communication. Every District will not have the same need. The Region Advisor is responsible for identifying what the needs are for each District and assist in customizing a plan based on each District's needs.
What is your experience with coaching individuals and/or teams?
I was asked by the 2009 Program Quality Director to chair the 2009 Fall Conference six weeks prior to the conference due to the conference chair resigning. There were only four committee chairs appointed and 22 people registered when I accepted the role. I appointed all the remaining chairs within seven days. The successful conference final registration count was 220.
Why are you interested in serving as Region Advisor?
I have the ability to affect change and help improve membership and retention. Since the pandemic, membership has decreased tremendously. I feel there is not enough engagement to keep the members excited about Toastmasters as prior to the Pandemic. I would like to create an additional focus on membership retention and having quality club meetings (Zoom or in person). More importantly I have the time to devote to the role base on more work life balance.