Region Advisor Biography
Denise Carpenter, DTM

Home Region: 5
Home District: 43
Supporting Districts: 19, 30, 35, 54, 103
Toastmasters offices held and terms of service (international, region and District level):
- 2022-2023 Region 2 Advisor
- 2020-2021 Immediate Past District Director
- 2019-2020 District Director
- 2018-2019 Program Quality Director
- 2017-2018 Club Growth Director
Toastmasters honors and recognition:
- 2018-2019 Excellence in Program Quality Award
What key factors are most important as a Region Advisor to help the District achieve success:
Listening to the District leaders to know when and how to help them. Understanding the bylaws, protocols and procedures. Keeping a calendar of due dates to help remind District leaders with what they need to accomplish.
What key strengths do you bring to the District leaders?
Experience as a District leader. Being able to listen. Corporate clubs. Working with multiple cultures and knowing that there are multiple ways to get results.
Why are you interested in serving as Region Advisor?
I am passionate about Toastmasters and am always looking for ways to ensure our members are getting the most out of Toastmasters by improving our clubs and sharing information with others. I am enjoying my role as Region 2 Advisor, working with other districts and learning more about the broad differences in regions. I continue to stretch my skills and learn new skills.