Region Advisor Biography
Boopathy Sankar Pallavapuram, DTM

Home Region: 13
Home District: 92
Supporting Districts: 82, 92, 120, 121
Toastmasters offices held and terms of service (international, region and District level):
- 2021-2022 Immediate Past District Director
- 2020-2021 District Director
- 2019-2020 Program Quality Director
- 2018-2019 Club Growth Director
Toastmasters honors and recognition:
- 2019-2020 Excellence in Program Quality Award
- 2018-2019 Excellence in Club Growth Award
What is your understanding of the Region Advisor role and how does your experience relate to the role?
The Region Advisor role is like a Mentor-Coach-Guide (MCG), where the individual needs to adopt the role based on the situation. There were multiple instances during my interaction with three Region Advisors during my District leadership days where they effectively played this MCG role. During my Club Growth Director days, the then Region Advisor provided the required coaching to handle a situation like non renewing clubs. This model was helpful for me and I could adopt the learning to revive two other clubs. I have gained significant experience in each District leadership role during my term, which would help me to empathetically support the District leaders in the region assigned.
What is your experience with coaching individuals and/or teams?
I have wide experience in coaching individuals & teams to success as project management professional in my professional assignment and as a District leadership member between 2018-21. For example, as a Club Growth Director, I worked closely with multiple Area Directors who were stepping out of their clubs for the first time. The learning in terms of collaborating with clubs and chartering new clubs was continuously shared with them for their excellence. I have coached & mentored multiple individuals in the organizations where I served, to unlock their potential and deliver great results.
Why are you interested in serving as Region Advisor?
Giving back. Many first time District leaders need certain additional support in terms of managing their Districts. The experience I had as a District leader would help them avoid pitfalls and achieve their goals based on best practices & lessons learned. Any small support at the right time would be a small way of giving back to the community I grew up. I believe in the cycle of Learn-Contribute-Grow for any professional. My twelve years of association with Toastmasters have helped me to Learn- Contribute in Toastmasters and in parallel I could grow effectively in my professional life which can be credited to Toastmasters.