Additional Leadership Roles

Region Advisor

In a consultant capacity, Region Advisors help Districts expand their marketing abilities and fulfill the District mission. Their objective is to support District leaders’ efforts to build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. In doing so, a greater number of people are afforded the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters education program. The Region Advisor role is a region-level leader and not a District-level leadership position. Region Advisors help Districts achieve the critical success factors of membership, club growth, and education achievements. The Region Advisor supports District leaders and helps identify strategies that enable Districts to extend the network of clubs and enhance club performance.

Logistics Manager

The Logistics Manager selects meeting locations and organizes the room, ensuring the atmosphere is conducive to successful events, such as business meetings, speech contests, and training. The Logistics Manager sets up necessary equipment, assists District leaders with meeting arrangements, distributes program materials, keeps track of District property, and addresses disruptions during events. A track record of organization and diplomacy are a must for this role.


The Parliamentarian assists the District Director with planning and conducting District meetings. Responsibilities of the parliamentarian include interpreting Toastmasters bylaws and policies, reviewing District operating procedures as requested by the District Director, and ensuring all meetings follow proper protocol. The Parliamentarian is an invaluable resource for the District Director, offering help, guidance, and support during meetings and answering any questions the District Director has related to rules and procedures. Members who assume this role must have a thorough understanding of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.


The Webmaster assists the District Director and Club Growth Director with updates to the District website. Although the District Director is the publisher of the District website and ultimately responsible for its content, the webmaster plays an important role in maintaining the website. This involves posting District announcements, removing outdated content, and troubleshooting functionality issues. Members who typically excel in this role are Internet savvy and creative.

For more information about these roles, refer to the District Leadership Handbook and the District Administrative Bylaws, Article VII: Officers in the Governing Documents.

District Marketing Team

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