September 2022 Leader Letter

District News


Inspiration Replay! — Last month's 2022 International Convention has ended, but the storytelling excitement lives on. If you missed out, you can still learn and reshape your narrative with unlimited access to sessions and highlights for only $60 USD with Toastmasters On Demand.

Calling All Board of Directors Candidates — Would you or someone you know like to be on the Toastmasters International Board of Directors? Visit the Candidate Qualifications page to review resources for candidates, watch an informative video about what it takes to be a Board Member, and submit a Letter of Intent. The deadline to submit a Letter of Intent is October 1, so don't delay!

Add a Club Extension Chair to Facilitate Growth — Receive dedicated assistance in building new clubs from the Club Extension Chair. This core member of your District Marketing Team can help you manage club-building efforts for the District through the Toastmasters Lead Management (TLM) system.

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Ensure Your District is on Track — Keep your District eligible for the Distinguished District Program and maintain access to your District reserve by submitting your Division and Area Directors Training Report and District Success Plan by September 30. Please complete and submit the forms in District Central, and email the District Growth and Support team if you have questions.

Apply Now to Be a Region Advisor — The Region Advisor is instrumental in helping Districts grow through coaching, guiding, training, and collaboration. If you are interested in becoming a Region Advisor, or would like to learn more about this role, visit the Region Advisor webpage. Applications for the 2023-2024 program year are due by September 30.

Appoint Your District Leadership Committee Chair by November 1 — Appoint Your District Leadership Committee Chair by November 1 — The District Leadership Committee (DLC) is responsible for nominating candidates for District office, following the procedures outlined in Protocol 9.0: District Campaigns and Elections. The District Leadership Committee Chair must be appointed no later than November 1., and the remaining committee members appointed no later than December 1. If you have any questions, email the District Growth and Support team for more information.

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Learn More From Our Convention Sponsors! — We thank our 2022 Convention Sponsors and Exhibitors and encourage District leaders, club officers, and members to learn more about their products and services. From professional development, speaker bureaus, professional public speaking, financial freedom courses, and an AI speaking coach app - there is something for everyone!

More Translated Materials! — New items are now available through the District Translation Program: Spanish marketing materials, Malayalam fliers and French Online Speech Contest Best Practices.

Connect with More Prospects; Gain More Members — This guide will walk you through how to maximize the tools already at your disposal for connecting with potential members. It also includes customizable templates to easily communicate with prospects and to keep track of your communications.

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Hidden Gems in Base Camp — Ready to uncover the best-kept secrets of Base Camp? The Pathways Mentor Program and the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) project can help you hone some extra skills. There's no magic word to open the door to these advanced projects—they’re activated by the progress you make in Pathways.

Meet Matt Kinsey, DTM — Toastmasters International's 2022-2023 President is a man of many talents. Discover more about Kinsey and his eclectic mix of interests and hobbies, and what he's bringing to this leadership role as a 20-year member.

Toastmasters Go to Work in Hollywood — Want a first-hand look at how a corporate club can leverage Toastmasters skills? WME NSTV Toastmasters Club in Beverly Hills, California, whose members are talent agents representing some of Hollywood's most successful non-scripted television productions and stars, has witnessed dramatic growth with its members.

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Pack Your Sunscreen! — Toastmasters is excited to announce the 2023 International Convention is in Nassau, Bahamas, August 16-19! Stay tuned for more information.

The 2022 World Champion of Public Speaking — Following the first-ever hybrid World Championship of Public Speaking® as part of the 2022 Toastmasters International Convention, we are excited to announce the new World Champion: Cyril Junior Dim, from District 108, who won with a speech titled, “Ndini.” Congratulations to Alexandre Matte, from District 123, for finishing in 2nd place with his speech, “Missing Ingredient,” and Mas Mahathir Bin Mohamad, from District 51, for finishing in 3rd place with his speech, “Two Gifts.” Get inspired by watching Dim deliver his winning speech!

Innovative Partnership Announced! — During the Board of Directors Briefing at the 2022 International Convention, the Board announced a new partnership with Yoodli, an artificial intelligence product that provides real-time analytics on your speech delivery. Yoodli will enhance your Toastmasters experience by giving you the ability to get immediate feedback and practice speeches, table topics skills, and play fun communication-related games. More details coming soon!

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Introducing the 2022–2023 Board of Directors — At this year's Annual Business Meeting, the membership of Toastmasters International elected new members to the organization's Board of Directors. Learn more about the International President, International President-Elect, First and Second Vice Presidents, and International Directors who will serve in 2022–2023.

New Accredited Speaker — Congratulations to Kevin Snyder, DTM for achieving the Accredited Speaker designation! This elite title is reserved for those who combine expert knowledge in a particular subject with a mastery of public speaking. If you know members who are interested in the program, share the Accredited Speaker Program Handbook so they can learn about the application process.