Srinivas Saineni, DTM

Srinivas Saineni, DTM

Candidate's Office: International Director

Region Number: 4

Toastmasters member since: 2006

Education: Masters in Computer Science, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA

Employer and/or position: Principal Member of Technical Staff, AT&T

Served as District Director of District number: 30

Term of service: 2011 - 2012

In term as District Director, District achieved: Distinguished


Toastmasters offices held and terms of service (international-, region-, and District-level):

  • 2007-2008 Area Governor
  • 2008-2009 Division Governor
  • 2009-2010 Lt. Governor Marketing
  • 2010-2011 Lt. Governor Education & Training
  • 2011-2012 District Governor
  • 2012-2013 Immediate Past District Director

Toastmasters honors and recognition (international- and District-level):

  • 2007-2008 President's Distinguished Area Governor
  • 2008-2009 President's Distinguished Division Governor
  • 2009-2010 Excellence in Marketing
  • 2010-2011 Excellence in Education & Training award
  • 2011-2012 Distinguished District Governor & Excellence In Leadership Award
  • 2022-2023 District 30 Toastmaster of the year

Relevant work experience and how it relates to Toastmasters and your role as a Board Member:

I currently hold the position of Principal Member of the Technical Staff at AT&T. Over the course of my 22-year journey with AT&T, I have spearheaded strategic initiatives and led cross-functional teams, resulting in the successful delivery of high-impact solutions for businesses and customers worldwide. The implementation of these projects and programs has ignited innovation and heightened productivity for millions of individuals, while also making a substantial impact on the profitability of our business partners. These multi-million-dollar projects and platforms that I've been instrumental in delivering span across multiple years and have a long-lasting influence on enterprise-wide revenue streams.

I have attained multiple professional certifications through the Project Management Institute, including the Project Management Professional (PMP), Disciplined Agile (DASM), and the Organizational Transformation micro-credential series. The strategic planning, business acumen, and problem-solving abilities that I've cultivated in my professional endeavors will be invaluable in my role as a board member. Moreover, my extensive experience in leading and cultivating relationships with cross-functional, multicultural teams in the workplace equips me to effectively collaborate with fellow board members to propel our organization forward.

What experience do you have in strategic planning?

I possess extensive expertise in both spearheading strategic planning and overseeing the execution of those plans. In my professional role, I play a pivotal role in strategic planning sessions as the individual responsible for implementing strategic initiatives.

During my tenure at the Project Management Institute Chicagoland, I took the lead in crafting the strategic plan for our Chapter, focusing on enhancing member value, extending our reach, and establishing sustainable partnerships.

Furthermore, in my capacity as a board member of an educational trust in Hyderabad, India, I chaired the strategic planning committee dedicated to technology education. Our efforts were centered on ensuring quality access to underserved communities and fostering organizational health.

What experience do you have in the area of finance?

In my professional capacity, I've overseen programs with budgets exceeding $20 million each. These programs demanded meticulous forecasting, allocation, and governance to address both capitalizable and expense dollars while adhering to public accounting compliance regulations.

Furthermore, drawing from my experience as a board member in numerous non-profit organizations, I possess a profound understanding of the fiduciary responsibilities encompassing care, loyalty, and obedience.

What experience do you have in developing policies?

I possess considerable experience in both assessing and formulating policies. In my professional capacity, I've assessed and formulated a wide array of software policies. Moreover, during my tenure as President and in other board roles at the PMI Chicagoland Chapter, I've taken the lead in crafting policies related to finance, sponsorship, member data confidentiality, and partnerships.

What lessons did you learn from previous leadership positions?

The lessons and knowledge acquired from my experiences have solidified my belief that leadership is a significant privilege, and it centers not on oneself but on those under your guidance. The path to personal growth as a leader is rooted in embracing a lifelong learning mentality. One of the crucial lessons I've absorbed is that valuable insights and ideas can emerge from any source or individual; the critical factor is to remain open and receptive to them. I've witnessed firsthand that what you genuinely appreciate tends to appreciate in return.

What experience and key strengths would you bring to the Board of Directors?

I offer a global perspective and a practical grasp of outreach and strategic partnerships. My extensive expertise in technology equips me to play a pivotal role in transforming our vision into tangible results. My capacity for strategic thinking and collaborative problem-solving, particularly in intricate scenarios, will be a valuable asset to the Board of Directors in turning our vision into a reality that truly benefits our members.

Why do you want to serve as an International Officer/Director?

Serving as a board member is a privilege I hold in high regard, especially as we embark on the organization's second century. I am deeply committed to challenging the conventional, tackling tough questions head-on, and offering innovative solutions that will fully realize our organization's potential. I carry an inspiring vision of the substantial collective impact we can achieve as we unite and collaborate.

What volunteer experience do you have outside of Toastmasters?

Actively engaged as a volunteer at the Project Management Institute (PMI) since 2008, with notable service as President of the PMI Chicagoland Chapter from 2019 to 2021. I've had the privilege of delivering workshops at the PMI Global Conference and multiple North America Leadership Institute meetings, focusing on leadership, communication skills, and board governance.

I've also had the honor of being a Young Professionals Ambassador at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs from 2014 to 2016, and I was a President's Circle member from 2013 to 2018. Established in 1922, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing awareness and involvement in global affairs.

In addition, I've served as a board member at oxyGEN Chicago Chapter, a non-profit AT&T employee resource group. This organization plays a crucial role in promoting intergenerational understanding through skill-based volunteering, mentoring, and advocacy efforts.

Have you worked with other Boards of Directors outside of Toastmasters? If so, describe your experience.

I served on the Board of the Project Management Institute, Chicagoland, one of the world's largest PMI chapters, for a remarkable 11-year period. This journey included my roles as President and Chairman of the board from 2019 to 2021. During my tenure on the board, our chapter earned global recognition within the PMI community for our outstanding member professional development programs, impactful project management for social good initiatives, and dedicated youth outreach efforts. Notably, our chapter achieved the prestigious 2021 Chapter of the Year Award at the 2022 PMI Global Conference.

Furthermore, I currently serve on the board of an educational trust based in Hyderabad, India. This educational society actively operates and funds several graduate and undergraduate schools around the city of Hyderabad. In my capacity, I have the privilege of chairing the technology committee on the board.

In your opinion, what are Toastmasters International’s major objectives and how would you work to achieve them?

Enhance Service Delivery and Platform User Experience: Prioritize improving the service delivery framework and platform user-friendliness to make learning and growth more accessible for our members.

Boost Awareness and Corporate Engagement: Focus on expanding the recognition of our educational programs within corporations and the community through innovative channels, fostering a cycle of new memberships and thriving clubs.

Elevate Leadership Training and Support: Dedicate efforts to enhance the quality of training and support for both current and future leaders, ensuring they can effectively lead and mentor members.

I would work with the board on these objectives and align with the aim of improving members' experiences, increasing the organization's reach and impact, and providing the necessary tools and resources for leadership development within Toastmasters International.

Additional information about candidate:

I recently completed my Yoga Teacher Training certification.