January 2022 Leader Letter

District News


Mid-year Training — District Directors, Program Quality Directors, and Club Growth Directors: Are you ready for Mid-year Training? Make the most of this opportunity to build your leadership skills by completing your pre-work in advance. If you have questions, or haven’t received your individual schedule with meeting links, please email the Training Team at training@toastmasters.org.

Pathways Mentor Program — Add to your skills as a mentor by completing the Pathways Mentor Program. The program includes three projects that cover topics such as understanding your role as a mentor and assessing your readiness to serve in this position. The program will equip you to mentor within your club—and outside of Toastmasters. To get started, complete Level 2 in any path and then check your Suggested Learning box on the Base Camp home page for this free program.

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Accredited Speaker Applicants — Applications for the Accredited Speaker Program are being accepted now through January 31. For additional details, review the Accredited Speaker Handbook

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New Speechcraft Flier — For clubs looking to promote Speechcraft events to local companies and business-minded individuals, this new corporate-focused flier promotes the transferable skills gained through the program and can be customized with the club’s event information.

Election Preparation — The District Leadership Committee should be seeking District leader candidates for the 2022-2023 program year. To ensure the District election is well-managed and successful, please review the Elections Toolkit and Protocol 9.0: District Campaigns and Elections in the Governing Documents. The District call for candidates is due on January 15. The District Leadership Committee Chair will select the date for candidate applications to allow enough time for the DLC members to source as many candidates as possible.

Achieve Distinguished Club Program Goals — Review the Distinguished Performance Reports and Club Success Plans to identify the clubs that are on track for Distinguished status and clubs that may need additional assistance to reach their goals.   

Help New Clubs Charter in your District — Do you have prospective clubs in your District hoping to charter? Set these clubs up for a successful chartering process by ensuring they use the most up-to-date version of charter documents located in the Resource Library and “How to Build a Toastmasters Club.

Hybrid Club Tips — Clubs in your District can discover tips on how to find success with both in-person and online attendees in the “Running a Successful Hybrid Club Meeting” document. Recommend they share it, either with fellow club officers or with clubs in the District. Encourage them to discuss how they might be able to better meet members’ needs in a hybrid club format.

International Director Candidates Nominated — The Toastmasters International Leadership Committee has nominated International Director candidates for the 2022-2023 Board of Directors. Voting will take place at the Annual Business Meeting in August 2022. Find out more about the candidates by visiting the International Candidates webpage.

International Candidates at District Events — Are you having an International Officer or Director candidate visit your District or make a presentation at one of your District events? Please review Policy 9.1: International Campaigns and Elections for guidelines and restrictions. Contact candidates@toastmasters.org with any questions.

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The Two Sides of Table Topics — Who grows the most from Table Topics®—Topicsmasters or participants? Ultimately, the point of Table Topics is that both play an important role in ensuring everyone benefits and grows from each session. Here’s a look at how that happens for Toastmasters on both sides of the “table.”

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Six More Paths in Tamil — Six more paths in the Pathways learning experience have been translated into Tamil! The following paths are ready for purchase so members can continue their personal and professional growth in Tamil: Motivational Strategies, Innovative Planning, Strategic Relationships, Dynamic Leadership, Persuasive Influence, and Team Collaboration. Interested members should visit My Profile and click the “Choose A Path” button to get started.