London Western Club
Club meets:
Monday (except Holidays), 7:00 pm

London Western Club

Club Number:
00004189, 86, Area S71
Charter Date:
Apr. 1, 1980
Visit This Website
Meeting Times: Monday (except Holidays) 7:00 pm
Phone: +15194733077
Location: Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School
1st and 3rd Monday of each month except in summer. Other Mondays via Zoom. 125 Sherwood Forest Square, Room 137 London, ON N6G 2C3  Canada
Membership Restriction: None; the club is open to all interested parties. Online Attendance is allowed

What to expect with your free club visit

When you visit a Toastmasters club as a guest, there’s no pressure to participate until you are ready and comfortable. Every club is unique; visit as many clubs as you would like to find the right fit for you!

Other clubs in the area

Thames Valley Club

London ON , Canada
Meeting Time:
7:00 pm, Tuesday

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London ON Canada ON , Canada
Meeting Time:
9:30 am - 12:00 Noon, 2nd Sat. of each month