- Club meets:
- Thursday, 11:50 am
Meeting Times: Thursday 11:50 am
Nvidia Corporation, Zoom
https://nvidia.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEuceusrz8oGdTgtn7n8_7I_TYd6kay9U21 2701 San Tomas Expy Santa Clara, CA 95050 United States
https://nvidia.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEuceusrz8oGdTgtn7n8_7I_TYd6kay9U21 2701 San Tomas Expy Santa Clara, CA 95050 United States
Membership Restriction:
None; the club is open to all interested parties.
Online Attendance is allowed
What to expect with your free club visit
When you visit a Toastmasters club as a guest, there’s no pressure to participate until you are ready and comfortable. Every club is unique; visit as many clubs as you would like to find the right fit for you!