District Leader 360-Degree Evaluation

This evaluation resource should be used to help District leaders as part of their leadership development process. By completing this evaluation, District leaders will have a better understanding of their perceived strengths and areas for improvement.

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Formulaire d’adhésion (FR800) Remplissez cette demande pour vous inscrire à un club. Afficher
Membership Application

Fill out this application to add a member to your club.

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Mitgliedsantrag (DE800) Füllen Sie diesen Antrag aus, um einem Club beizutreten. Anzeigen
Solicitud de Afiliación (PT800) Preencha este formulário para ingressar em um clube. Ver
Solicitud de Afiliación (SP800) Llena esta solicitud para unirte a un club. Ver
Transform Your Talent flier - Spanish Transforma tu talento (es-MX8001TS)

Utiliza este folleto para promocionar Pathways entre posibles clubes corporativos.

メンバーシップ申請書と支払情報 (JP800) クラブに入会するには、この申請書に必要事項を記入してください。 を表示する
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