Education Programs FAQ

Pathways Content Updates

  1. 1. Why is Toastmasters changing the provider for the learning management system (Base Camp)?
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  1. 2. When will the new learning management system (Base Camp) be available?
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  1. 3. What benefits will the new version of Base Camp provide for members?
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  1. 4. With the rollout of the new version of Base Camp, Toastmasters International is updating the Pathways product offering. Why is this change taking place?
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  1. 5. What are the long-term goals for the Toastmasters education program? What new content will be added?
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  1. 6. I am working in a path that will no longer be available for purchase when the new version of Base Camp rolls out. Will I be able to continue, and complete, my path?
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  1. 7. Toastmasters is planning to update the languages available for purchase as fully interactive paths on Base Camp. Why is this change taking place?
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  1. 8. I am currently working in or prefer to work in my paths in Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Tamil, or Traditional Chinese. Will I still be able to work in these languages?
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  1. 9. What are the new explorations? Why were these topics selected?
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  1. 10. What credentials and Distinguished Club Program (DCP) credit will I get for completing projects in the explorations?
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Level 1 Update

  1. 11. An updated Level 1 with new projects was released on October 27, 2021. What is the difference between the original Level 1 and the upgraded Level 1, and which members have the upgraded Level 1?
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  1. 12. I purchased my current path before October 27, 2021, so it includes the original Level 1. What Level 1 projects will I have when I log in to the new Base Camp?
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  1. 13. My path currently includes the original Level 1 projects but will be transitioned to the updated Level 1 in the new Base Camp (see question above). How can I make sure I get credit for Level 1 when my path will include different projects?
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  1. 14. My path currently includes the original Level 1 projects but will be transitioned to the updated Level 1 in the new Base Camp. Should I work to complete the original version of Level 1 of my path before the transition to the new Base Camp?
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  1. 15. I am a club officer, and I’m not sure how many members of my club are working in the original Level 1. What do I need to do to support members who will receive the upgraded Level 1 in the new Base Camp?
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Base Camp

*The below responses apply to the current version of Base Camp and will be updated after Base Camp transitions to a new learning management system in 2024.

  1. 16. How do I get to Base Camp?
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  1. 17. How will I know when Base Camp has planned outages or when updates will take place?
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  1. 18. Why do I need to disable my pop-up blockers on Base Camp, and how do I do so?
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  1. 19. What browsers are best for accessing Base Camp?
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  1. 20. How long will it take me to load projects in Base Camp?
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  1. 21. Who are Base Camp managers, and what is their role?
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  1. 22. What types of recognition can I receive?
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  1. 23. How can I earn the Distinguished Toastmaster award (DTM)? What are the requirements?
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  1. 24. How can I access the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) project?
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  1. 25. How do education credentials work?
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  1. 26. How do I apply for an education award online?
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  1. 27. I am rejoining Toastmasters after several years and have never worked in Pathways. How do my previously earned education achievements align with Pathways?
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  1. 28. Are my achievements in the previous education programs still recognized?
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  1. 29. Do I have to complete a full year in a District leadership role to get District leadership credit to apply for an education award?
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  1. 30. Can I give and receive credit for two speeches done in one club meeting?
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Working in Pathways

  1. 31. How will I know which path is right for me?
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  1. 32. How many projects are in a path?
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  1. 33. Where can I find the evaluation resources for Pathways projects?
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  1. 34. Is Pathways available in printed format?
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  1. 35. I am currently working in a printed path. Will I be able to complete and receive credit for my work in this path?
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  1. 36. What about members who don't use the internet?
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  1. 38. Can I complete projects and levels in any order I choose?
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  1. 39. I completed Level 2 in my path, but I skipped Level 1. How can I submit for my Level 2 award recognition?
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  1. 40. How do I complete my path and receive a certificate of proficiency or a proficient badge?
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  1. 41. I am a Base Camp manager. A member asked me to approve a Level 2 completion, but they have not completed Level 1. Is this something I should authorize?
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  1. 42. If I don't meet all the objectives of my project, can I still get credit for it?
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  1. 43. Can I repeat the same path for award credit?
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  1. 44. Do I need to have both a written and verbal evaluation to receive project credit?
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Pathways Costs

  1. 45. What are the costs associated with Pathways?
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  1. 46. How many free paths do I get?
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  1. 47. I am a member of multiple clubs. Will I receive a new path for every club I join?
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  1. 48. Can I use a Toastmasters gift certificate to purchase a path?
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  1. 49. What is the return policy for educational materials?
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Speeches and Evaluation

  1. 50. Can I give speeches outside of my club for credit?
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  1. 51. What are the limitations on speech topics?
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  1. 52. Do the evaluator and speaker both need to be present when the speech being evaluated is presented?
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