2022 Proposals FAQ
Why is the Board of Directors proposing these changes?Back to Top
Each year, the International President, with the approval of the Board, selects specific committees for Board work. In 2021, one such committee was the Policy Review Committee, which was tasked with considering the future format of meetings and elections at the international and District levels. Further, every three years, a committee is appointed to conduct a complete audit of the governing documents.
All amendments to the Bylaws of Toastmasters International and the Club Constitution recommended by these two committees and approved by the Board are presented to the voting membership as proposals at the 2022 Annual Business Meeting.
Where can I find more detailed information on the 2022 Proposals?Back to Top
More information on the proposals can be found on the official 2022 Proposals webpage.
Who can I contact if I have other questions regarding the proposals?Back to Top
If you have additional questions, please email boardcontact@toastmasters.org.
Proposal A: Consistency and Clarity
What is the purpose of Proposal A?Back to Top
The purpose of Proposal A is to update the Bylaws of Toastmasters International and the Club Constitution with minor grammatical and wording changes, as well as to make the language use more consistent, clear, and in line with modern practices.
In Club Constitution, Article XII, Section 3, what is the intent of changing the word "certificate" to "statement"?Back to Top
There is no formal certificate or certificate template for the purpose of submitting a proposed amendment to the Board of Directors. The objective of this proposal is to clarify that the intent of this section is for the club to provide a statement that includes the required information.
If Proposal A is adopted, when will it take effect?Back to Top
If Proposal A is adopted, the changes will take effect immediately.
Proposal B: Restatement of the Organization and Club Purposes
What is the intention of Proposal B?Back to Top
The intention of Proposal B is to preserve the purposes of the organization and the Member Clubs but remove unnecessary words and replace words to express these purposes in a more concise, modern manner.
Do these proposed amendments impact my membership or club experience?Back to Top
No, these amendments do not change the purpose of a Toastmasters Member Club and will not change or limit the opportunities, support, and education provided to each member.
Does removing the line "related to oral communication" in the Bylaws, Article I, Section 2 (c), mean you are proposing expanding the purpose of publishing and disseminating educational materials?Back to Top
The organization currently publishes and disseminates educational materials beyond those related to oral communication—e.g., leadership projects in Pathways. The removal of "related to oral communication" reflects that our materials are not limited to oral communication but also include “speech education, leadership training, communications, and related fields.”
In the Bylaws, Article I, Section 2 (b), what is the reasoning for removing the word “private,” as all Members Clubs are considered private associations?Back to Top
In some parts of the world, the perception of “utilizing Member Clubs to provide private educational programs” is that Toastmasters is aligned with private, rather than public, training institutes. This has resulted in intellectual property theft where individuals have presented or copied Toastmasters materials under the banner of local “private training institutes.”
In the Club Constitution, Article I, what is the rationale for the change to “with credibility and confidence”?Back to Top
The word “creditably” is an outdated term that was difficult to define effectively; “with credibility” was added as a modern alternative. “Confidence” was added to align with the core competencies in the Pathways learning experience; confidence is gained when you engage in Toastmasters learning and as you progress through the education program.
If Proposal B is adopted, when will it take effect?Back to Top
If Proposal B is adopted, the changes will take effect immediately.
Proposal C: Inclusive Language for Gender
What is the purpose of Proposal C?Back to Top
The purpose of Proposal C is to bring Toastmasters International's nondiscrimination clauses into alignment with federal and state legislation and provide greater inclusivity.
Isn't gender expression a subset of gender identity? Why is it listed separately?Back to Top
Gender identity is a person's internal sense of gender, while gender expression is how a person publicly presents or expresses their gender. This terminology is in line with legislation in the State of California, where Toastmasters International is organized under the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law.
If Proposal C is adopted, when will it take effect?Back to Top
If Proposal C is adopted, the changes will take effect immediately.
Proposal D: Communication and Technology
What is the purpose of Proposal D?Back to Top
The purpose of Proposal D is to safeguard against future changes relating to methods of communication and ensure alignment with current technology use.
If Proposal D is adopted, when will it take effect?Back to Top
If Proposal D is adopted, the changes will take effect immediately.
Proposal E: Clarification on Voting Rights for Member Clubs
What is the purpose of Proposal E and the proposed amendment in Article III of the Bylaws of Toastmasters International?Back to Top
The purpose of Proposal E is to clarify that each Member Club must be in good standing, as defined in Policy 2.0: Club and Membership Eligibility, Section 4, to be eligible to vote in all matters presented to the voting membership.
Does this proposed amendment change the club’s eligibility to vote?Back to Top
No, this does not change the club’s voting rights; it only clarifies that the club must be in good standing to be eligible to vote. Each Member Club in good standing with Toastmasters International on the record date established by Article X, Section 8, is entitled to two votes at the Annual Business Meeting.
Were clubs not in good standing previously able to vote at the Annual Business Meeting?Back to Top
No. The amendment to the Bylaws, Article III, Section 1, is to provide clarity, as clubs not in good standing have never been allowed to vote at the Annual Business Meeting.
If Proposal E is adopted, when will it take effect?Back to Top
If Proposal E is adopted, the changes will take effect immediately.
Proposal F: Announcements to Members
What is the purpose of Proposal F?Back to Top
The purpose of Proposal F is to solidify the current practice of publishing the announcements of any dues changes and the International Leadership Committee report both in the Toastmaster magazine and on the Toastmasters International website.
If Proposal F is adopted, when will it take effect?Back to Top
If Proposal F is adopted, the changes will take effect immediately.
Proposal G: Clarity on References to Geographic Regions
What is the purpose of Proposal G?Back to Top
The purpose of Proposal G is to clarify that references in the Bylaws to “geographic regions” are to those regions defined by the Board of Directors and not by any external entity.
If Proposal G is adopted, when will it take effect?Back to Top
If Proposal G is adopted, the changes will take effect immediately.
Proposal H: Scheduling of Board of Directors Meetings
What is the purpose of Proposal H?Back to Top
The purpose of Proposal H is to provide flexibility in the scheduling of the Board meetings held before and after the Annual Business Meeting.
If Proposal H is adopted, when will it take effect?Back to Top
If Proposal H is adopted, the changes will take effect immediately.
Proposal I: Voting at the Annual Business Meeting
What is the purpose of Proposal I?Back to Top
The purpose of Proposal I is to provide Toastmasters International with flexibility to continue to evolve with the global environment and the ever-changing technology that is available. By updating and expanding the language regarding voting at the Annual Business Meeting, the organization will be able to explore multiple options for participation by the voting members of the organization (Member Clubs and Delegates at Large) in the meeting.
How does Proposal I benefit individual members and clubs?Back to Top
Proposal I will make it possible for the organization to provide multiple options for participating in the Annual Business Meeting. These options will make it easier for Member Clubs to fully engage in the business of the organization. In addition, individual members who in the past were unable to travel to the site of the Annual Business Meeting will be able to attend the meeting as a nonvoting member and learn more about the international level of the organization.
Will clubs still be able to designate a proxyholder for the Annual Business Meeting?Back to Top
Yes, clubs will still be able to designate a proxyholder for the Annual Business Meeting. The intent of Proposal I is to provide voting delegates flexibility in attendance and participation by offering members the option to attend/participate on-site or online.
If Proposal I is adopted, when will it take effect?Back to Top
If Proposal I is adopted, the changes will take effect for the 2023 Annual Business Meeting.
Proposal J: Club Leadership Committee Chair
What is the purpose of Proposal J?Back to Top
Nominations for club officers are made by the Club Leadership Committee, which is appointed by the Club President. The chair of the Club Leadership Committee is the Immediate Past Club President. The purpose of Proposal J is to clarify an additional condition when the Immediate Past Club President role is vacant and is therefore unable to chair the Club Leadership Committee.
Does this amendment change how the Club President appoints the Club Leadership Committee?Back to Top
No, the appointment process remains the same and the Immediate Past Club President shall continue to chair the committee unless the position is vacant or the best interests of the club require otherwise.
Who would chair the Club Leadership Committee if the Immediate Past Club President role is vacant?Back to Top
If the position of Immediate Past Club President is vacant, the current Club President would appoint the chair for the Club Leadership Committee.
If Proposal J is adopted, when will it take effect?Back to Top
If Proposal J is adopted, the changes will take effect immediately.
Proposal K: Club Officer Requirements
What is the purpose of Proposal K?Back to Top
The purpose of Proposal K is to provide consistency and promote support in club management while safeguarding integrity and transparency in the club environment and finances.
Why is the Board of Directors proposing an amendment so that the Club President cannot also be the Club Treasurer?Back to Top
The Board identified areas of club management that required more support to safeguard integrity and transparency in the club environment relating to finances; one such area was the relationship between the Club President and Treasurer roles.
Does the proposed officer requirement apply to my club?Back to Top
Yes. Proposal K applies to all Member Clubs of Toastmasters International.
How does Proposal K benefit individual members and clubs?Back to Top
Proposal K provides amendments to the club officer requirements that safeguard integrity and transparency in the club environment relating to finances by eliminating any potential financial conflict of interest for club officers. Further, the required minimum of three club officers helps preserve the values of service and excellence in every Toastmasters club.
Will Proposal K affect the duties of the club officers?Back to Top
No. There are no changes to officer duties. The Club Business FAQ and the Club Leadership Handbook provide helpful information for club officers conducting club business.
If Proposal K is adopted, when will it take effect?Back to Top
If Proposal K is adopted, the changes will take effect immediately for newly chartered clubs, and upon the next officer elections for existing clubs. For semi-annual club officer elections this means for those officers taking office on January 1, 2023 and for annual club officer elections for those officers taking office on July 1, 2023.
Proposal L: Club Representatives on the District Council
How does this impact the District?Back to Top
This proposal will impact the District in the following ways:
- The District will have better representation from the clubs they serve.
- Proxies will no longer be a challenge for the District Credentials Committee to monitor.
If Proposal L is adopted, which club members or club officers will be considered part of the District Council?Back to Top
The club will be represented by two club officers—the Club President and Vice President Education. The club can decide if one of these two officers or both will represent the club at District Council meetings. The club can change their representatives prior to a meeting to best suit the needs of the club.
How will the District Credentials Committee determine who is eligible to vote?Back to Top
It is recommended that the District Credentials Committee send out an electronic survey to the clubs asking for their voting representatives. The survey will ask for the representative’s (or both representatives’) name, member number, position, and whether the club’s representative(s) will be attending on-site or online (if applicable). The survey must also include the latest date that the club may change their representatives.
How will the District Credentials Committee administer the electronic vote?Back to Top
It is recommended that the District Credentials Committee keep the following in mind when administering an electronic vote:
- The District Credentials process will close within a reasonable time prior to any vote.
- The information collected from the clubs by the District Credentials Committee, through a survey, will provide the committee with each club's representative(s) who will be voting at the District Council meeting.
- The District Credentials Committee will provide the ballots for voting as
- Club representatives attending on-site will be provided their ballots for voting.
- Club representatives attending online, joining the meeting through a virtual platform, will be provided their ballots through an online voting software program as voting takes place.
- The annual meeting is the only District Council meeting the District may host as a hybrid (on-site and online) event. All other District Council meetings are held online only.
What is the deadline for the credentials process?Back to Top
Each District will determine how much time will be needed for the credentials process in preparation for the meeting. It is recommended that the credentials process be closed two days prior to voting.
How does this impact my club?Back to Top
This proposal will impact your club in the following ways:
- The club will be required to designate which of the two club representatives—the Club President or the Vice President Education (or both)—will participate on behalf of the club at the District Council meeting.
- The club must respond to any District request for the club's choice of representative(s) in a timely manner to ensure they are registered to participate in the District Council meeting.
How does this improve club participation in the voting process?Back to Top
Club representatives—the Club President and Vice President Education—will have the ability to attend District Council meetings either on-site or online, making it easier to vote directly. If one of these representatives is unable to attend, the club can designate the other representative to cast both of the club's votes at the District Council meeting.
Will this impact voting during the Annual Business Meeting at the Toastmasters International Convention?Back to Top
Proposal L is limited to the representative(s) of the club at District Council meetings. This proposal does not affect the voting process for the Annual Business Meeting at the Toastmasters International Convention.
If Proposal L is adopted, when will it take effect?Back to Top
If Proposal L is adopted, the changes will take effect immediately.