دليل قوانين مسابقة الخطابة

يتميز كتاب قواعد مسابقة الخطابة، الذي يسري من 1 يوليو 2023 حتى 30 يونيو 2024 ، بقواعد مسابقة الخطابة لمسابقات الخطابة، والتقويم، والفكاهة، والخطب الارتجالية ، ورواية القصص الخيالية، ومسابقات الخطب المسجلة بالفيديو.


1168 - Results Form 1168 Results Form

Form used by the chief judge to record the names of winning contestants.

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2023-2024 Speech Contest Rulebook

The Speech Contest Rulebook, in effect from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, features speech contest rules for the International, Evaluation, Humorous, Table Topics®, Tall Tales, and Video Speech Contests.

View handbook
Bonnes pratiques pour concours de discours en ligne (fr-FR479) Retrouver des astuces et informations pour l’organisation logistique de vos concours de discours en ligne. Afficher
Certificado - Competição de Oratória (PT510K)

Certificados para apresentação aos vencedores e participantes das Competições de Oratória no clube, área, divisão, distrito e região.


Certificats du concours d'expression orale (FR510K)

Certificats de participation à présenter aux gagnants et participants des concours de club, de secteur, de division, de district et de région.


Counters Counters' Tally Sheet Chart for completion by ballot counters. Suitable for use in any contest.
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Counters Evaluation Contest Judges Guide and Ballot View form
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