Region Advisor Biography
Shirley E. Daley, DTM

Home Region: 8
Home District: 81
Supporting Districts: 14, 44, 47, 48, 77, 81, 84, 111-BTC
Toastmasters offices held and terms of service (international, region and District level):
- 2011-2012 Immediate Past District Governor
- 2010-2011 District Governor
- 2009-2010 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training
- 2008-2009 Lieutenant Governor Marketing
Toastmasters honors and recognition:
- 2008-2009 Excellence in Marketing Award
What is your understanding of the Region Advisor role and how does your experience relate to the role?
To support District leaders in achieving the District mission. This would involve assessing the type of assistance each leader needs and providing it. I am a good listener who places a high value on my relationships. My different work experiences especially in performance management have enhanced my ability to successfully monitor and motivate individuals to achieve and surpass their goals/targets. As part of operating at the senior management level, I participate in and contribute to the strategic planning and budgeting process. With a multi-faceted skill set, I have honed my expertise in communication and leading cross-functional teams.
What is your experience with coaching individuals and/or teams?
As a Ministry Leader in my church, I coached the Youth Leadership Team to develop its 5-year Strategic Plan and am available as its resource person. In my role as Branch Manager, I coach agency managers to develop policies and strategies with a view to attracting, recruiting, and motivating financial advisors. I commit long hours to coaching and mentoring Toastmasters members within and outside of my District for the last 31 years. I am often called upon to voluntarily coach individuals outside of Toastmasters.
Why are you interested in serving as Region Advisor?
People are the lifeblood of the Toastmasters International organization and empowering them to become effective communicators and leaders is not only our mission but our responsibility. I am a consummate professional with an extensive career in finance and education which has resulted in positive people development. I understand the enormous benefit that Toastmasters provides. I want to continue serving on the task force working to empower leader members. I am ready, willing, and able to fulfill the role of Region Advisor.