Region Advisor Biography
Rebecca Arnett, DTM

Home Region: 5
Home District: 68
Supporting Districts: 8, 30, 43, 50, 56
Toastmasters offices held and terms of service (international, region and District level):
- 2021-2022 Region 5 Advisor
- 2016-2017 Immediate Past District Director
- 2015-2016 District Director
- 2014-2015 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training
- 2013-2014 Lieutenant Governor Marketing
Toastmasters honors and recognition:
- 2014-2015 Excellence in Education and Training Award
- 2013-2014 Excellence in Marketing Award
What key factors are most important as a Region Advisor to help the District achieve success:
Big responsibilities include strategic planning, training, mentoring, building partnerships, and analysis with each District.
What key strengths do you bring to the District leaders?
I bring unique perspectives from not only my Toastmasters journey, but my career in strategic thinking, operational/tactical planning, project and program management, coaching, and training.
Why are you interested in serving as Region Advisor?
I'm not done. This year, each of my Districts are focusing on stability and stopping the hemorrhaging of clubs that started with (or before) the pandemic. As we continue to build a stable base, the continuity of having the same Region Advisor will allow the Districts to build upon the level ground. And, for me, it is a way of seeing things through. This is my learning year, going through the storming and norming phases with the District leadership team. Next year will be our forming phase, allowing them (and me) to grow as leaders and communicators.